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de færdige jordskokkechips |
Dog synes jeg altid at der egentlig er for meget salt på disse.
I min iver efter at lave grøntsagsretter der smager af noget og som også kunne være en snack faldt jeg over denne opskrift.
Du skal bruge:
- Jordskokker
- Smør
Skær jordskokkerne i fine skiver gerne på et rivejern.(du behøves ikke at skrælle dem kun skrubbe skidtet af).
Varm en pande med rigeligt smør.
Steg jordskokkerne sprøde -. et hold af gangen 3-5 min.
Hold nøje øje med jordskokkerne så de ikke brænder på men bliver gyldne, lettere brune.
Lig dem på fedtsugende papir.
Nu skulle du gerne have fået de fleste jordskokker sprøde nok så de minder om chips.
Man kan også friturestege chipsene i fx. solsikkeolie.
Tips til sanserne
Lad børnene mærke på jorskokkerne
Hvad dufter de af?
Hvordan smager de?
Er de sprøde eller bløde?
Hvad synes I om denne ret?
In English
Often, I have eaten various potato chips and have my favorites.
However, I always think that there really is too much salt on them.
In my eagerness to make vegetable dishes that taste of something, which could also be a snack, I came across this recipe.
You will need:
Jerusalem artichokes
Cut the Jerusalem artichokes into fine slices like a grater. (You do not need to peel them just scrub the dirt off).
Heat a pan with plenty of butter.
Roast Jerusalem artichokes crispy -. about 3-5 minutes.
Keep a close eye on Jerusalem artichokes so they do not burn but will be golden, lighter brown.
Put them on fat-absorbent paper.
At this point most of the artischokes will be crispy.
You can also deep-fry these chips.
Tips for the senses
Let the children feel at Jerusalem artischokes
However, I always think that there really is too much salt on them.
In my eagerness to make vegetable dishes that taste of something, which could also be a snack, I came across this recipe.
You will need:
Jerusalem artichokes
Cut the Jerusalem artichokes into fine slices like a grater. (You do not need to peel them just scrub the dirt off).
Heat a pan with plenty of butter.
Roast Jerusalem artichokes crispy -. about 3-5 minutes.
Keep a close eye on Jerusalem artichokes so they do not burn but will be golden, lighter brown.
Put them on fat-absorbent paper.
At this point most of the artischokes will be crispy.
You can also deep-fry these chips.
Tips for the senses
Let the children feel at Jerusalem artischokes
How do they smell?
How do they taste?
Are they crispy or soft?
What do you think about this dish?
How do they taste?
Are they crispy or soft?
What do you think about this dish?
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